Thursday, 15 December 2011

Uttarakhand Peyjal Sansadhan Vikas Evam Nirman Nigam (UPSVENN), is inviting applications for the post of Assistant Engineers

No. of Posts:

Civil: Gen-19, OBC-2, SC-6

Electrical & Mechanical : Gen 01 

Qualification as on 1.7.2011 -  Candidates must have a thorough knowledge of Hindi Devnagri Script and must have obtained Bachelor's degree in Civil & Electrical or Mechanical Engineering respectively from Govt. recognized Institute/ University approved by AICTE or it's equivalent or Associate Membership/ Membership in Civil & Electrical or Mechanical Engineering respectively from Institution of Engineers (I), with Section A & B passed. 

Selection Procedure : The selection will be made through written examination and interview. The written examination will consist of a single, objective type question paper of three hours duration. There will be negative marking for wrong answer. The candidates who satisfy all other conditions will be called for the interview at Dehradun on the basis of merit list of the written examination. 

Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100/-

Age  limit (As on 01-08-2011) : Not more than 35 years

How to Apply: Application forms alongwith Handbook of Information can be obtained from 1st December, 2011 from branches of Punjab National Bank located at Indira Nagar, Dehradun/Hardwar Road, Rishikesh/Railway Road, Hardwar/B.T. Ganj, Roorkee/Srinagar(Garhwal)/Kotdwar/ Almora/Nainital Road, Haldwani (Main Branch)/ Rudrapur/Lal Bagh,Lucknow/G.T. Road, Ghaziabad/ Hauzkhas, New Delhi/Sector 17 B, Chandigarh by paying Rs. 1200/- for the post of Assistant Engineer (Rs. 600/- for SC/ST candidates, only for permanent resident of Uttarakhand). Candidates from states other than Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi can also obtain application forms alongwith Handbook of Information from the Office of Chief Engineer(HQ.), Uttarakhand Peyjal Sansadhan Vikas Evam Nirman Nigam, 11, Mohini Road, Dehradun-248001 by registered post by paying the above fee & Rs.100/- extra (postage charges) by demand draft of Nationalised Bank payable at Dehradun, in favour of Executive Engineer (H.Q.), Uttarakhand Peyjal Nigam, Dehradun

Last date To Apply: 30/12/2011

Click Here For Full Details

Software Engineers Vacancies in Jamia Millia Islamia

Jamia Millia Islamia, inviting application for the post of Software Engineer

Sr Software Engineer 

No of Posts:1

Qualification: M.Tech or /M.Sc or Equivalent with at least 2 yrs of the relevant development experience preferably in JSP/Struts/Java Servlet Programming .

Pay-Scale: Rs. 20000/-

Software Engineer 

No of Posts: 3

Qualification: B.Tech/M.Sc or Equivalent with at least 6 months or relevant development experience preferably in JSP/Struts/Java Servlet Programming

Pay-Scale: Rs. 17500/-

How to Apply: The applications clearly indicating the position applied for along with the bio-data giving details of educational qualifications and experience must reach the Office of the Director , FTK- Centre For Information Technology latest by December 05,  2011. The application should be accompanied by copies of certificates in respect of qualifications and experience.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


(A Central Universitywith Potential for Excellence)
Shillong, MelZhalava -793022 .
Prof. MM Raza
Prof. & Head
J+91364 2723141, 3142 (0)

Applications on plain paper, along with the CV and supporting
documents are invited for the posts of Guest,Lecturers in the Dept. of Library and Information Sciences, NEHU, Shillong for teaching in the semester starting from 19thFeb,2011 with the following qualification:
I.MLISc with 55% marks
2.NET/Ph.D in Library & Information ScienceDesirable:
1.Sound knowledge of Classification and cataloguing
I.The remuneration would be @ Rs. 1,000 per lecture subject to a maximum ofRs.25000/- per month.
2. The applications should reach the office of the undersigned latest by 25th January,2012.
3.The date of interview for the said posts shall be announced on the NEHU website.
4. The candidates appearing for the interview will not be given any TAIDA.
5.Candidates are requested to bring their original documents at the time of interview.



A Walk in interview for filling up the posts of Senior Residents ( WALK IN ON 21/22-12-2011) and Junior Residents(MBBS)(WALK IN ON 24-12.2011& 2.1.2012)and Dental on regular basis will be held as pre the schedule mentioned below in the office of Medical Superintendent, Dr. BSA Hospital. Registration for interview will be from 9 AM to 12:30 PM on the dates of interview except for Dental JRs. No candidates will be entertained after 12:30 PM.For JR(Dental) all interested and eligible candidates may please submit their applications on the prescribed format in person or by post so as to reach on or before 21/12/11 at 4:00 PM along with necessary documents in the office of Medical Superintendent ,Dr. BSA Hospital ,Sector –VI ,Rohini ,Delhi -110085.
Interested and eligible candidates fulfilling educational Qualification /eligibility conditions should appear for a Walk – in –Interview with their application along
with, all original documents ,and one set of self attested photocopy of all the documents ( in support of Age ,Qualification ,Attempts ,Mark Sheet ,Degree ,DMC
Registration ,Category & Experience Certificate Etc) and two passport size photographs in the office of Medical Superintendent., Dr. BSA Hospital Rohini Delhi 85.

VINOBA BHAVE UNIVERSITY,HAZARIBAG / Applications invited following for the posts / Dec.,2011

University College of Engineering and Technology (UCET)

Applications are invited for the posts, mentioned below :-
Post & No. Of Post 01 a) A) Lab Technician – 04
(One each for Deptt. Of Mech Engg., CSE, ECE, & IT)
Qualification;Diploma in the appropriate branch.
Experience ; One year experience desirable in CAD-CAM for mechanical engineering.
Pay Scale;5500 – 9000
Date of Interview;10.01.2012
Post& No. Of Post B) Lab Technician 02
(Physics, &Chemistry )
Qualification;B. Sc (Hons) in the appropriate subject.
Experience ;One year experience desirable
Pay Scale;5500 – 9000
Date of Interview;11.01.2012
Post0& No. Of Post 2A) Store Keeper – 01
Qualification;Diploma in IT
Experience ;One year experience in Inventory Management System
Pay Scale;4000 – 6000
Date of Interview;12.01.2012
Last date of submission of Application – 06.01.2012
The appointment is contractual for eleven months.
No separate call letter for interview will be issued. Candidates should turn up for Walk –in-Interview on the date mentioned . No T. A/ D.A. is admissible.
Fee: Rs. 1000/-(Rupees one thousand only) for General/OBC and Rs. 700/-(Rupees Seven hundred only) for SC/ST in the form of Bank Draft drawn on any nationalized bank, in favour of “The Registrar, Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag”, payable at Hazaribag.
Candidates must apply in Plain paper giving complete bio-data along with a recent passport size photograph to the director, UCET, VBU, Hazaribag. Pin – 825301

Timing & Venue of Interview :-
Visheshwarie Bhawan,

UCET, VBU Campus

From 11:30 AM


IIT Roorkee / Vacancy for JRF / Dec.,2011

NO.ESI 1251(DCS)l2011 Da t e : December t!l> 1, 2011
Applications are invited from Indian nationals only on plain paper for the post of Junior Research Fellow to work in the research project entitled “New Methods for Strain Estimationfrom Defomed Markers in Rocks”, sponsored by the D5T, New Delhi. The duration of the scheme is upto November 10, 2014. For any further information please contact Prof. D.C. Srivastava, P. I .& Professor, Deptt. of Earth Sciences, IITRoorkee, Roorkee~247667; e~mail: dpkesfes@iitr.ernetin and dpkesfes@gmail,com; phone +91-1332-285558 (0).
Qualifications: M.Sc.lM.Tech/M.Sc. Tech(Geology/Applied Geology) or equivalent with at least 6.75 CGPA in 10 point scale or 60% marks with consistently good academic record with NET or GATE qualification.
Maximum Age: 28 years
Emoluments : Rs. 16,0001- per month+ HRA as per Institute rules
Note: The upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 yrs for SC/ST, Women and physically handicapped candidates
The interested candidates who fulfill the above qualification may appear for a walk· in ­ interview and report at office of the Department of Earth SCiences, IIT Roorkee at on January 09, 2012 at their own expenses along with a copy of up-to-date bio~data and all original degrees/certificates for verification

PGI, Chandigarh/ Recruitment of JRF / Dec.,2011


One post of Junior Research Fellow (Non-Medical) is vacant in project under Prof. S.V. Rana in the department of Gastroenterology. Those who are interested can apply. Those also who are working under various research schemes and desire to be considered for the post, should send their application through proper channel to the undersigned by 20th Dec., 2011 upto 5.00P.M. along with a certificate from the employer that he/she will be relieved immediately, if selected. The candidate should attend interview on 21 st Dec., 2011 at 3.00P.M.. in the GE Seminar room, Deptt. of Gastroenterology, Ist floor, FBlock, Nehru Hospital, PGI, Chandigarh. The candidates who possess the following qualifications, are eligible to apply. No TA/DA will be paid.
Junior Research Fellows (Non-Medical)
Essential qualification:
M.Sc.Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Microbiology/Biophysics and Life sciences.
Desirable Qualification: Nil
Pay : Rs. 13800/- per month (fixed)
Age : Upto 28 years
Category : General


PGIMER- Chandigarh/ Vacancy for Senior Research Fellows (Non-Medical)/ Dec.,2011


Two posts of Senior Research Fellow (Non-Medical) are vacant in projects under Prof. S.V. Rana in the department of Gastroenterology. Those who are interested can apply. Those also who are working under various research schemes and desire to be considered for the post, should send their application through proper channel to the undersigned by 20 th Dec., 2011 upto 5.00P.M. along with a certificate from the employer that he/she will be relieved immediately, if selected. The candidate should attend interview on 21 st Dec., 2011 at 3.00P.M.. in the GE Seminar room, Deptt. of Gastroenterology, Ist floor, F-Block, Nehru Hospital, PGI, Chandigarh. The candidates who possess the following qualifications, are eligible to apply. No TA DA will be given for same.
Senior Research Fellows (Non-Medical)
Essential qualification:
M.Sc.Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Microbiology/Biophysics and Life sciences with 2 years
research experience.
Desirable Qualification: Nil
Pay : Rs. 18,000/- + HRA @ 20% per month (fixed)
Age : Upto 35 years
Category : General

Prof. S.V. Rana,
Principal Investigator,
Deptt. Of Gastroenterology,
PGIMER, Chandigarh.


ITDC invites applications to engage Accountants on contract basis /Dec.,2011

India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
(A Government of India Undertaking)

ITDC invites applications to engage Accountants on contract basis initially for a period of three year.
Candidate should be Graduate in Commerce with 50% marks and 3 years experience.
CA / ICWA Intermediate exam passed / MBA with specialization in Finance.
Desirable :- Certificate in Computer Application. Preference will be given to candidates having hands on experience of Accounting Software.
No. of post :- 14 (Fourteen)
Age :- 30 years (as on 31.10.2011) .
Remuneration :- Rs. 15,000 per month + Rs. 3000/- (allowances) + PF (as applicable)

1. Application should be submitted in the prescribed Application Form only (in the following pages).
2. Application should be sent in a cover super scribing the code along with post and discipline applied for with Demand Draft (DD) of Rs.200/- (candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/OBC are exempted from this payment) in favour of India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., payable at New Delhi may
be sent latest by 27.12.2011 in the Office of Dy. General Manager (HR), India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., SCOPE Complex, Core-8, 4th Floor, Room No. 407, 7 Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003.

3. Incomplete / unsigned applications and application received without demand draft, attested copies of required certificates such as educational qualification, experience, age, caste / community certificate and applications received after the last date (27.12.2011) will summarily be rejected without any communication to the candidate.
4. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PH shall be as per the Government Directives.
5. Mere eligibility will not vest any right on any candidate for being called for the Interview. The Management’s decision in all matters will be final. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates in connection with
the process of selection / rejection.
6. Canvassing in any manner would entail disqualification of candidature.
NOTE : The last date of receipt of applications is 27.12.2011.

National Biodesign Alliance Programme Co-ordination secretariat / Recruitment for Scientific positions / Dec.,2011

National Biodesign Alliance Programme Co-ordination secretariat: Translational Health Science and Technology Institute(An Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India) 496, Udyog Vihar Phase III, Gurgaon- 122 016
Recruitment for Scientific positions
Applications are invited for the following scientific positions:
1. Business Development Officer (BDO)
1.1 Key Responsibilities:
 To establish, maintain and expand collaborations of research organizations and biotech companies working on
diagnostics and devices and commercialization of innovative technologies developed in the National Biodesign
Alliance Programme.
2. Innovation Awards
2.1 Job Description:
 Work in the area of innovative approaches to diagnostics and applications. Biomarker discovery.
 Screening of antibody libraries for novel binders for pathogens, novel methods for nucleic acid testing, point-ofcare multiplexed format of testing for diseases.
Interested candidates may apply to the Administrative Officer (P&A), Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, 496, Udyog Vihar Phase-III, Gurgaon-122016, Haryana, on a plain paper in the attached format, along with CV and a demand draft of Rs.100/- (SC/ST/PH/Women candidates are exempted from payment of fees) payable at Gurgaon in favour of the Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) on or before 6th January, 2012. Overseas candidates can send their application with enclosures by e-mail to Information can be obtained personally from the institute on telephone no. 0124-2876300

THSTI,Gurgaon/Walk-in Interview for Scientific and Technical Positions / Dec.,2011

(An Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India)496, Udyog Vihar Phase III, Gurgaon – 122 016

Walk-in Interview for Scientific Positions and Technical Positions
Walk-in Interviews will be conducted to fill up the following positions in clinical research projects at Paediatric Biology Centre (PBC) and the laboratory research in the Centre for Biodesign and Diagnostics (CBDD):
S No Name of the position Reporting Time, Date of Interview
1 Research Officer(Medical) 09:30 AM – 12:00 PM, 29 .12.2011
2 Senior Research Fellow(Medical)09:30AM-12:00PM,.12.12.2011
3 Research Associate (Medical)09:30 AM – 12:00 PM, 29.12.2011
4 Nurse…………………12:00 PM – 03:00 PM, 29.12.,2011
5 Technician (Clinical/Field/Lab) 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 28 th December, 2011
6 Technical Assistant 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 30 th December, 2011.
Interested candidates with relevant qualification and experience may appear for the interview on the dates and time mentioned above at THSTI, 496, Udyog Vihar Phase-III, Gurgaon-122016.
Please bring a CV with the names of 2 referees along with a passport size photograph and copies of certificates with originals at the time of interview. Information can also be obtained personally from the institute or on telephone at 0124-2876552.
Appointment will be made on a project/contract for a period of 1 year with a probation period of 6 months.

IIM,Ranchi, Fellow Programme in Management / Dec.,2011

Indian Institute of Management Ranchi
Suchana Bhawan, Audrey House Campus
Meur’s Road, Ranchi – 834008, JHARKHAND
Phone: +91 651 2280083/2280113/2285056
Fax: +91 651 2280940

Fellow Programme in Management
The Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) is the doctoral programme of IIM Ranchi. This programme has the objective of developing outstanding scholars for teaching or research careers at business schools/universities or management research institutions or careers in Government, industry, NGOs or for that matter any organizationthat requires advanced analytical and research capabilities.To accomplish this, the FPM will seek to admit students who have a strong academic background, are highly motivated and who have the intellectual curiosity to undertake original research and provide them with knowledge and research skills that can make them specialized researchers with sufficient depth of knowledge in the various existing and emerging management knowledge domains.
Students generally take four years, including two years of rigorous course work, to complete their doctorate. The first year of the course work is common with IIMR’s Post Graduate Programme and is aimed at providing a participant with a broad understanding of the field of management. The Second Year of the coursework is to ensure that candidates have deep understanding of their knowledge domain and a developed ability to do rigorous research in their chosen area of specialization. The Area Comprehensive Examination at the end of the second year is designed to assess whether the candidate has acquired requisite level of proficiency in his/her area of specialization. In the subsequent years, the candidate works on the doctoral dissertation which is expected to be an original contribution in the area of management.
Students admitted to the programme receive comprehensive financial support that covers all academic and living costs. The Institute has excellent library, computing and faculty resources. Provision is also there for some of the candidates to work under the guidance of reputed international faculty.
Students can apply to the following areas of specialization (called knowledge domains) :
Business Economics
Information Systems
OM & Decision Sciences
Strategic Management
Public Policy & Governance
Neuro Management
Business Analytics
Indian Management

A candidate for the FPM at IIM Ranchi should have:
A master’s degree in any discipline with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade point average recognized by AICTE /AIU with a Bachelor’s degree / equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade point average after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2). Candidates who have MA/M.Sc./M. Phil in Statistics, Psychology, Neuro Psychology, Sociology, Linguistics can also applyOR
Five year integrated Masters Degree Programme in any discipline with at least 60% marks, obtained after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent OR
A professional qualification like CA, ICWA, CS with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade point average OR
4 years / 8 semester bachelor’s degree (B.E./B.Tech./B. Arch. etc.) with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade point average. Those appearing for their final examinations in the respective disciplines can also apply.
All candidates applying to the FPM except Alumni of the Post Graduate Programs(PGP) from all IIMs are required to take the Common Admission Test (CAT) or a standard test in lieu of CAT such as GMAT/GATE/UGC-JRF (two years from the date of the standard test and should be valid on the deadline of submission of the application form). For NRIs and Foreign students this standard test is the Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT).
Candidates will be short listed and called for an interview during February-May 2012 for final selection on the basis of their performance in CAT or the standard test in lieu of CAT, academic background, and experience.
PGPs from IIMs and other select institutes shall be considered for direct admission into the second year of the FPMbased on their academic performance during their PGDM. This waiver maybe full waiver of the first year courses or partial waiver of the courses as the FPM Committee deems fit. The decision of the FPM Committee shall be final in this regard.
Facilities, Fellowship and Expenses
IIM Ranchi (IIMR) has excellent facilities in library, computing and faculty resources.
IIMR provides a comprehensive fellowship that covers all living and academic expenses.Participants in the fellow programme will be provided with:
Financial Support for 4 years. Support for an additional 6 months may be made in exceptional cases. However, the duration of the financial support will be reduced by one year in case of candidates admitted directly into the Second Yearof the Programme.
Tuition Waiver
Rent free accommodation for both bachelor and married students on campus
Subsistence allowance of Rs 30000 per month for the first two years.

After Qualifying the Comprehensive examinations at the end of the second year, the monthly stipend will be raised to Rs. 35000 per month for the remaining period.
Contingency allowance of Rs. 25000/- per annum for 4 years for the purchase of books, stationary etc.
Rs. 50000/- in the first year for the purchase of computer and software and other peripherals.
Financial Support for presenting papers in 4 Domestic and 1 International Conference during the entire tenure of the Fellow Programme.
Compulsory work for 1 term as TA/RA
The FPM participants have to pay for all consumables which includes stationery, utility charges in hostels, boarding charges etc.

To Apply
Fill up the application form online at after paying the non-refundable application fee through our online payment gateway. Applicants in the general category have to pay Rs. 1000/- while SC/ST/OBC/PWD applicants have to pay Rs. 500/-. The last date for filling up the online application form is 16th January, 2012.
FPM Contact
Indian Institute of Management Ranchi
Suchana Bhawan, Audrey House Campus
Meur’s Road, Ranchi – 834008, JHARKHAND
Phone: +91 651 2280083/2280113/2285056
Fax: +91 651 2280940
CurriculumPGDHRMFellow Programme in ManagementPGEXP
PGEXP – Curriculum


Walk-In for Consultants at NIELIT Delhi Dec-2011

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) 
(formerly DOEACC Society)
Branch Office New Delhi,2nd Floor, Parsvnath Metro Mall, Inderlok Metro Station, Delhi-35

Walk-in-Interview for Recruitment of Consultants to be deployed in a National Cyber Security Organization on contract Basis

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals by NIELIT, Delhi Centre for filling up the posts of Consultants on regular basis :
  1. Jr. Consultants : Pay : Rs. 75000/- 
  2. Consultants : Pay : Rs. 100000/- 
  3. Sr. Consultants : Pay : Rs. 150000/- 

Application Fee : Demand Draft of Rs. 350/- each for the above posts (exempted for Internal and SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of “NIELIT, Chandigarh Centre, Branch Office, New Delhi” payable at Delhi.

Walk-In-Interview : Walk-In-Interviews will be conducted for Junior Consultants on 17th Dec. 2011 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Consultants/ Sr. Consultants on 18th Dec. 2011 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m

Please view  for details and application format.

Nagaland University Non-Faculty Jobs Dec-2011

nulogo Nagaland University
(A Central University)
Headquarters - Lumami,  District : Zunheboto - 798627

Applications are invited on prescribed form for the various Non-Teaching posts under Nagaland University, so as to reach the Registrar, Nagaland University on or before 31/12/2011.

  1. Director College Development Council : 01 post 
  2. Deputy Registrar : 04 posts 
  3. Information Scientist : 01 post 
  4. Hindi Officer : 01 post
  5. Hindi Translator : 01 post 
  6. Museum Curator : 01 post
  7. UDC : 01 post
  8. Jr. Stenographer : 07 posts 
  9. Caretaker : 01 post 
  10. Hindi Typist : 01 post
  11. Gestetner Operator : 01 post  
Application Fee : Application fee of Rs. 200/- for General and Rs. 150/- for SC/ST/OBC in the form of Bank Draft in favour of Registrar.
How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should reach Registrar, Nagaland University, Kohima – 797001, Nagaland on or before 31/12/2011.

Please view   for detailed information and application

Faculty jobs in Nagaland University Dec-2011

nulogo Nagaland University
(A Central University)
Headquarters - Lumami, District : Zunheboto - 798627 (Nagaland)

Applications are invited on prescribed form for the various Faculty posts under Nagaland University, so as to reach the Registrar, Nagaland University, Lumami on or before 15/02/2012.

  1. Professor : 26 posts
  2. Associate Professor : 24 posts
  3. Assistant Professor : 27 posts

Application Fee : Application fee of Rs. 200/- for General and Rs. 150/- for SC/ST/OBC in the form of Bank Draft in favour of Registrar.
How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should reach Registrar, Nagaland University, Lumimi, Nagaland on or before 15/12/2012.

Please visit for detailed information and application

Faculty jobs in GBU Noida Dec-2011

GBU jobs at http://sarkari0naukri.blogspot.comGautam Buddha University (GBU)
Yammuna Expressway, Greater Noida - 201310 (UP)

Situated at Greater Noida, GBU is sponsored by the New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA) and the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) and is supported by Government of Uttar Pradesh.Gautam Buddha University (GBU) invites applications for faculty positions of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor levels in various disciplines/ subjects :

  • Professor in pay scale of Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 10500/-
  • Associate Professor in pay scale of  Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs. 9500/-
  • Assistant Professor in the pay scale of Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs. 8000/-
  • Research/ Faculty Associateon a consolidate amount of Rs.33000/- (for non Ph. D candidate) and Rs. 35000/- (for Ph. D candidate)

How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should be sent to The Registrar, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida - 201310 (UP) on or before 13/01/2012.

Details and application form is available at

Faculty jobs in NEHU Meghalaya Dec-2011

North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU)
Shillong , Meghalaya -793022

Applications in the prescribed form are invited from the Indian Nationals for filling up of the following Teaching and posts at the North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong:

  1. Professor :   36 posts in various subjects/ discplines, Pay Scale :  Rs. 37400 - 67000  AGP Rs. 10000/-
  2. Associate Professor : 51 posts in various subjects/ disciplines, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400 - 67000 AGP Rs. 9000/-
  3. Assistant Professor : 63 posts in various subjects/ disciplines, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100 AGP  Rs.6000/-

Application Fee:  Rs. 500/-  (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST candidates) should be paid through Demand Draft/ Banker Cheque drawn in favour of Finance Officer, NEHU payable at Shillong.  Person With Disabilities are exempted from payment of application fee.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed form should be sent  to  the Assistant Registrar (Estt.II), NEHU, Mawkynroh, Umshing, Shillong-793022 on or before 20/01/2012.

For more information and application form, please visit

ITDC Accountants on contract basis vacancy Dec-2011

Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) Ltd.
(A Government of India Undertaking)

ITDC invites applications for the following posts to be filled on contract basis :
  • Accountant : 14 posts, Pay : Rs. 15000 per month + Rs. 3000/- (allowances) + PF (as applicable), Qualification : Graduate in Commerce with 50% marks and 3 years experience.
    OR CA / ICWA Intermediate exam passed / MBA with specialization in Finance.
Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) Ltd.
(A Government of India Undertaking)

ITDC invites applications for the following posts to be filled on contract basis :
  • Accountant : 14 posts, Pay : Rs. 15000 per month + Rs. 3000/- (allowances) + PF (as applicable), Qualification : Graduate in Commerce with 50% marks and 3 years experience.
    OR CA / ICWA Intermediate exam passed / MBA with specialization in Finance.

Application Fee :   Rs.200/- (candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ PH/ OBC are exempted from this payment) in favour of India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., payable at New Delhi.

How to Apply : Application in  the prescribed format should be sent latest by 27/12/2011 in the Office of Dy. General Manager (HR), India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., SCOPE Complex, Core-8, 4th Floor, Room No. 407, 7 Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003.

Please view for details and application  format.
Application Fee :   Rs.200/- (candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ PH/ OBC are exempted from this payment) in favour of India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., payable at New Delhi.

How to Apply : Application in  the prescribed format should be sent latest by 27/12/2011 in the Office of Dy. General Manager (HR), India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., SCOPE Complex, Core-8, 4th Floor, Room No. 407, 7 Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003.

Please view for details and application  format.

Faculty jobs in IGNTU Amarkantak MP Dec-2011

Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU), Amarkantak
(A Central University established by an Act of Parliament)
Mekal Sadan, Kapiladhara Road, Amarkantak (M.P.) – 484886

Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak invites applications for the following Faculty posts:

  1. Professor : 20 posts in various subjects/ disciplines
  2. Associate Professor : 36 posts in various subjects/ disciplines
  3. Assistant Professor : 52 posts in various subjects/ disciplines
Application Fee :  A Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- ( Rs. 250/- for SC/ST) drawn in favour of
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Payable at State Bank of India, Amarkantak (IFS Code No.-SBIN 0004674.

How to Apply :  The completed application forms should reach to the Registrar, IGNTU, Amarkantak on or before 16/01/2012.

Please visit for details and application form.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Haryana Haryana Public Service Commission / Recruitment to the following posts / Dec.,2011


Advertisement o. 6 Closing Date:- 09.01.2012
The Commission invites applications for recruitment to the following posts:-
(i) Professor of Samhita, Sanskrit and Sidhanta
(Class-I) in Shri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.

(ii) Professor of Prasuti and Striroga (Class-I) in Shri
Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.

(iii) Professor of Shalya Tantra (Class-I) in Shri
Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.

(iv) Professor of Swasthya Varitta (Class-I) in Shri
Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.

(v) Professor of Panchkarma (Class-I) in Shri Krishna
Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.

(vi) Professor of Dravya Guna (Class-I) in Shri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.
(vii) Lecturer of Rachana Sharir (Class-II) in Shri
Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.

(viii) Lecturer of Swasthya Varitta (Class-II) in Shri
Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.

(ix) Reader of Agad Tantra and Vidhi Ayurved
(Class-II) in Shri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Ayush Department, Haryana.

For application forms and detailed information write to the Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission, Bays No. 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula by remitting Rs. 500/- for General Category including Dependent son of ESM of Haryana candidates and Rs. 125/- for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/Backward Classes/Ex-Servicemen/Physically Handicapped persons of Haryana and women candidates of all categories of Haryana only through Indian Postal Orders/Bank Drafts (from any branch of Scheduled Bank of India) payable to the Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission at Panchkula with self addressed (with Pin Code) envelope of 24×11 cm. size duly stamped with Rs. 50/- for registered post upto 2.01.2012 only otherwise thereafter application form will not be sent or on cash payment at the counter from 10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M and 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on all working days till closing date.
Closing Date:- 09.01.2012

Department of Fisheries,Kerala / Vacancy for Lascar / Dec.,2011

Gazette Date: 29.11.2011
Last Date: 04.01.2012

Category No: 419/2011
Applications with a latest photo uploaded are invited online only from qualified candidates for the under mentioned post.
1. Department : Fisheries
2. Name of post : Lascar
3. Scale of pay : ` 8960-14260/-
4. No. of vacancies : Districtwise
Kannur -1 (One)

Last date for receipt of applications: 04-01-2012 Wednesday upto 12 midnight
Address to which applications are to be sent :
If a Written Test/OMR Test is conducted as part of the Selection, Hall Ticket of eligible Candidates will be made
available in the website of the Kerala Public Service Commission, Candidates are instructed to download their Hall
Ticket as per the instructions in the website.


AIIMS,New Delhi / Recruitment to the post of Junior Resident (Non-Academic) / Dec.,2011

No.F.1/2012-Acad.I Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110608
Dated: 16 November 2011

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the following posts of Junior Resident (Non-Acaemic) in the speciality as indicated against each in the pay scale of Rs.15,600/- + 5400/- (GP) per month plus all allowancesincluding NPA.
1 Emergency Medicine 51
2 Paediatrics (Casualty) 05
3 EHS 03
4 Blood Bank 02 + 02
5 Radiotherapy 06
6 Neuro-Radiology 02
7 Blood Bank (CNC) 02 + 01
8 Lab.Medicine 02
9 Cardiac-Radiology 01
10 Psychiatry 06
11 Community Medicine 04
12 Dermatology & Venereology 01
13 Nephrology 03
14 CTVS 01
15 Cardiology 01
17 Neurology 01
18 Dental Surgery + CDER 08
19 Emergency Medcine (Trauma Centre) 10
20 Surgery (Trauma Centre) 31
21 Neuro-Surgery (Trauma Centre) 05
22 Blood Bank (Trauma Centre) 02
23 Radiology (Trauma Centre) 03
24 Lab. Medicine (Trauma Centre) 02
25 Orthopaedics (Trauma Centre) 04
26 Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology 02
27 Geriatric Medicine 02
Total 163
The Application Form can be obtained from Academic Section from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM on all working days from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon on Saturdays and the Form can be downloaded from the Institute web sites and
The complete application in all respect should reach to the undersigned latest by 20.12.2011 and the Interview for the same will be held on 29.12.2011 in the Dean’s Committee Room at 11:00 AM. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
The list of eligible candidates to be called for Interview/Counselling will be displayed in the Notice Board of the Academic Section, AIIMS on 27.12.2011 at 04.00 P.M. and also displayed on Institute web sites and


D A T E D : 1 0 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 1

1. The J&K Civil Service (Judicial) Competitive Examination will be conducted by the J&K Public Service Commission at Jammu and Srinagar tentatively w.e.f. 06.06.2012 in accordance with the rules laid down vide SRO No.5 dated 04.01.1968 as amended from time to time read with J&K Public Service Commission (Conduct of Examinations) Rules, 2005. The details of scheme of examination and syllabus are given in Annexure ‘A’. The number of posts to be filled up through the examination is 10 as per the break up given hereunder: -
Open Merit = 06
Scheduled Caste = 01
Scheduled Tribe = 01
Resident of Backward Area = 02


The Commission have developed an electronically scanable Application Form for the J&K Civil Service (Judicial) Examination, which is processed on computerized machines.
This Application Form, instructions for filling up the Application Form, Acknowledgement Card and an Envelope for submitting the Application Form, will be available at the Commission Offices at Resham Ghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu/Polo Ground, Srinagar from 12.12.2011.
Syllabus for the Civil Service (Judicial) Examination is attached and can also be downloaded from the website of the Commission viz.
Candidates are advised to go through the instructions and all the eligibility conditions prescribed for the examination before filling in the Application Form.
Last date for receipt of Application Forms, complete in all respects, in the Commission offices indicated above, is 31.01.2012.


JKPSC,Srinagar / Vacancy for Medical officer Unani / Dec.,2011


D A T E D : 0 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 1
1. Applications on prescribed form are invited from permanent residents of J&K State only for the posts of Medical Officer Unani in Health Medical Education Department as per Category wise breakup, Pay Scale, Educational Qualification and Age given below which should reach the Commission office J&K Public Service Commission, Resham Ghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu/Polo Ground, Srinagar on or before 09.01.2012: –
Item No Discipline
102. Medical officer Unani (2nd Special Drive)

Pay scale = BP – (9300-34800 + GP 5400)
Prescribed Qualification:-
“Degree in Unani (BUMS) or equivalent thereto from a recognized institution.”
Age as on _1st
January 2011
Minimum = 18 years
Maximum = 37 years
Physically Handicapped = 39 years
RBA/ SC/ST /ALC/SLC = 40 years
In-service candidates = 45 years
Ex-Servicemen = 48 years
Last date for receipt of Application Forms in the Commission Office either by hand or by post is 09.01.2012 which shall be the cut off date for purposes of qualification and experience for determining the eligibility. In case the last date is declared a public holiday, then the last date for receipt of
Application Forms shall be the next working day. Candidate should ensure that their Application Forms reach the Commission Office at Srinagar or Jammu on or before the last date fixed for the receipt of the Application Forms. Application Forms received after the last date shall be summarily rejected.

JAMMU AND KASHMIR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION / Recruitment for Horticulture Development Officer /Dec.,2011


D A T E D : 0 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 1
1. Applications on prescribed form are invited from permanent residents of J&K State only for the posts of Horticulture Development Officer in Agriculture Production Department as per Category wise breakup, Pay Scale, Educational Qualification and Age given below which should reach the Commission office J&K Public Service Commission, Resham Ghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu/Polo Ground, Srinagar on or before 09.01.2012: -
Item No Discipline
107. Horticulture Development Officer (1St Special Drive)

Pay scale = BP – (9300-34800 + GP 5400)
Prescribed Qualification:-
M.Sc. Horticulture. In case of non-availability, B.Sc. Horticulture/B.Sc. Agriculture.”
Age as on _1st January 2011
Minimum = 18 years
Maximum = 37 years
Physically Handicapped = 39 years
RBA/ SC/ST /ALC/SLC = 40 years
In-service candidates = 45 years
Ex-Servicemen = 48 years .
Last date for receipt of Application Forms in the Commission Office either by hand or by post is 09.01.2012 which shall be the cut off date for purposes of qualification and experience for determining the eligibility. In case the last date is declared a public holiday, then the last date for receipt of Application Forms shall be the next working day. Candidate should ensure that their Application Forms reach the Commission Office at Srinagar or Jammu on or before the last date fixed for the receipt of the Application Forms.

Govt. Dental College, Jammu, / Vacancy for Lecturers / Dec.,2011


D A T E D : 0 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 1
Applications on prescribed form are invited from permanent residents of J&K State only for the posts of Lecturer in Govt. Dental College, Jammu in Health Medical Education Department as per Category wise breakup, Pay Scale, Educational Qualification and Age given below which should reach the Commission office J&K Public Service Commission, Resham Ghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu/Polo Ground, Srinagar on or before 09.01.2012: –
Pay scale = BP – (9300-34800 + GP 5400)
Prescribed Qualification for Item Nos.103 to 106:-
Master’s Degree or equivalent in the concerned specialty recognized by Dental Council of India.”
Essential Experience for Item No.103 to 106:
“Two years teaching experience as Registrar/Demonstrator/Tutor”.
Age as on _1st January 2011
Minimum = 18 years
Maximum = 37 years
Physically Handicapped = 39 years
RBA/ SC/ST /ALC/SLC = 40 years
In-service candidates = 45 years
Ex-Servicemen = 48 years
Item No Discipline
103. Lecturer in Pedodontics
104. Lecturer in Oral & Maxillofacial
105. Lecturer in Oral & Dental Pathology
106. Lecturer in Orthodontics

Last date for receipt of Application Forms in the Commission Office either by hand or by post is 09.01.2012 which shall be the cut off date for purposes of qualification and experience for determining the eligibility. In case the last date is declared a public holiday, then the last date for receipt of Application Forms shall be the next working day. Candidate should ensure that their Application Forms reach the Commission Office at Srinagar or Jammu on or before the last date fixed for the receipt of the Application Forms.
Application Forms received after the last date shall be summarily rejected.

Director of Medical Education A.P Hyderabad / Vacancy for Bio-Chemist (G) / Dec.,2011

Director of Medical Education A.P Hyderabad
The applications are invited from the eligible candidates by the Director of Medical Education A.P Hyderabad for filing up of the nine (9) vacant posts of BioChemist (G) in various teaching institutions in the state under the control of Director
Medical Education A.P., Hyderabad including RIMS Institutions in the State, in theformat given below.
1.Name of the post : Bio-Chemist (G)
2.No of Vacancies : Nine (9) (May be increased or decreased)
3. Scale of Pay : Rs.16150-42590
4. Qualification : Must posses a M. Sc Degree in Bio Chemistry of a University ofIndia established or incorporated by or under a central Act, or Provisional Act, or a State Act or an institution recognised by the university grants commission or an equivalent qualification.

Last date for receipt of application is 5.00PM on 31.12.2011 (Dept. will not be responsible for any postal delays and missing transit)

CSIR (NAL) Advt. No. 6/2011 Recruitment of Technical Posts Closing on 31st Dec'11

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (NAL)
Advt. No. 6/2011
Vacancy Summary:
  • Technical Assistant:- 27 Vacancies.
  • Technical Officer: 01 Vacancy
  • Senior Technical Officer: 03 Vacancies
  • Lady Medical Officer: 01 Vacancy
  • Senior Technical Officer II: 01 Post Vacancy
  • Closing on 31st Dec'11
Posted by mayank for his blog

Vacancy Details Source:

RPSC Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector Examination 2011 Closing on 30th Dec'11

RPSC (Rajasthan PSC)
Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector Examination 2011
Vacancy Summary For RPSC Online Application for the posts of Sub Inspector Motor Vehicle 2011 in Motor Transport Department in Rajasthan Department.
  • Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector:- 41 Posts
    • Pay: Rs_5200_20200+GP_Rs_2000/pm
    • Age: 18_37 year
    • Qualification: Must have passed Secondary Examination of a recognised Board; and (2) A Diploma in Automobile Engineering. (3 years’ course) or a diploma in Mechanical Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Examination (3 years’ course).
  • Closing on 30th Dec'11
Posted by mayank for his blog

Vacancy Details Source and online apply below:

MPPTCL Advt. No. AS/MPPTCL/XIII/245 Closing Date: 22nd Dec'2011

MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL)
Regd. Office : Block No. 2, Shakti Bhawan,
PO Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482 008

Advt. No. AS/MPPTCL/XIII/245
Vacancy Summary: 

MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL) which is a wholly owned Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Undertaking incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, invites applications from the desirous candidates to fill up the following vacant positions:
  • Dy. Director (Finance & Accounts) (Class:I) - 11 Posts (UR-06,SC-02,ST-04,OBC-01)
    • Qualification: CA with minimum 3 years post qualification works experience in any reputed organization/ firm. OR In case of the candidates possessing qualification of CA & CS OR CA & ICWA, the minimum post qualification works experience in any reputed organization/ firm of 2 years.
    • Age: 45 Years
  • Trainee (Accounts) (Class:II) 28 Posts(UR-14,SC-04,ST-06,OBC-04)
    • Qualification: CA/ICWA.
    • Age: 35 Years
  • Closing Date: 22nd Dec'2011
Posted by mayank for his blog

Vacancy Details Source:

Sunday, 11 December 2011

NAL Technical and Medical Jobs Dec-2011

(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - CSIR)
P.B. No.1779, Airport Road, Kodihalli, Bangalore – 560017

National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) is a premier research laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). NAL is looking for bright and highly motivated Technical Staff  :

  1. Technical Assistant : 27 posts,  Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs.4200/-
  2. Technical Officer : 01 post,  Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 grade pay Rs.4600/-
  3. Senior Technical Officer Gr.I : 03 posts, Pay : Rs. 15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/-
  4. Lady Medical Officer : 01 post,  Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 grade pay Rs.5400/- + NPA
  5. Senior Technical Officer Gr.II : 01 post, Pay : Rs. 15600-39100 grade pay Rs.6600/-
Application Fee : Rs.100/-  is payable separately for each post (Candidates belonging to SC / ST / Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee) in the form of Demand Draft  drawn in the name of The Director, NAL and payable at Bangalore. The following details must be filled on the backside of DD – (a) Candidate’s name; (b) Post applied; and (c) Post Code applied for.

How to Apply : Apply Online at NAL  website up to 31/12/2011. Take prinout of the system generated registration slip and send it on or before 31/12/2011 to The Senior Controller of Administration, National Aerospace Laboratories, P. B. No. 1779, HAL Airport Road, Kodihalli, Bangalore - 560017  (Karnataka)

Details and Online submission of application available at

Ayurveda Faculty jobs by Haryana PSC Dec-2011

Haryana Public Service Commission (H PSC)
Bays No.1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula (Haryana)

Haryana Public Service Commission invites applications from eligible candidates for to the following posts :

  1. Professor  : 06 posts in Ayurveda subjects 
  2. Lecturer : 01 post in Ayurveda subjects 
  3. Reader : 06 post in Ayurveda subjects

How to Apply : Filled in application form should be sent to the Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission, Bays No. 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana by post or in person on or before 09/01/2012. (Last date is 03/01/2012 for the candidates of far-flung areas)

Please view  for details and information etc.

MP Power Transmission Accounts Trainee and Director vacancy Dec-2011

M.P. Power Transmission Company Limited (MPTRANSCO - MPPTCL)
Block No. 2, Shakti Bhawan, PO Vidyut Nagar, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) 482008

Advertisement for recruitment in the cadre of Dy. Director & Accounts Officers in MP Power Transmission Company Limited 

MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd  (MPPTCL) which is a wholly owned Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Undertaking invites applications from the desirous candidates to fill up the following vacant positions :
  • Dy. Director (Finance & Accounts) (Class-I) : 11 posts
  • Executive Trainee (Accounts) : 28 post, Stipend : Rs.15600/- per month in the training period

Application FeeDemand Draft of Rs. 1000/- (No fee for SC/ST candidates) payable at Jabalpur drawn in favour of the Regional Accounts Officer, MP Power Transmission Co.Ltd., Jabalpur.

How to Apply :  The application in prescribed format complete in all respect with copies of required certificates and Demand Draft shall be submitted to the following address on or before 22/12/2011 :

Additional Secretary, Block No.-2, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur, 482008  (MP) 

Please view for details and application format.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Information Technology Officer Job Vacancies in Mumbai – Central Bank of India

Information Technology Officer Job Vacancies in Mumbai – Central Bank of India

70 Vacancies at Central Bank of India, Mumbai for B.E/B.Tech / M.Sc. candidates. Apply Before 3rd December 2011
Name of the Bank: Central Bank of India
Central Bank of India invites applications for the following posts:
Job Designation: Information Technology Officer
Number of Positions: 70 (Seventy)
Educational Qualification: BE/ B.Tech. or M.Sc. (or equivalent) degree in Computer Science or Information Technology or Electronics and Telecommunication or Electronics and Communication or MCS or MCA.
Location of Posting: Mumbai
How To Apply For Opening: Apply Online at Central Bank website up to 25/11/2011 03/12/2011
Last Date To Apply: 3rd December 2011
Contact Address: Central Bank of India, Chandermukhi, Nariman Point, Mumbai
Advertisement Details:

Friday, 9 December 2011

Federal Bank Jobs of Managers Last Date: 26.12.11 ONLINE

Federal Bank
Regd. Office Aluva, Kerala.
Vacancy Summary:

  • Assistant Manager
    • Pay: Rs.14500 – 600/7 – 18700 – 700/2 – 20100 – 800/7 – 25700/-
    • Age: Not more than 28 years as on 01.11.2011.
    • Qualification: Graduation in any discipline with minimum 60% marks from any recognized University or other institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956.
  • Manager
    • Pay: Rs.19400- 700/1 -20100 – 800/10- 28100/-
    • Age: Not more than 30 years as on 01.11.2011.
    • Qualification: Graduation in any discipline with minimum 60% marks from any recognized University or other institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956.
  • Senior Manager
    • Pay: Rs. 25700- 800/5- 29700 - 900/2- 31500/-
    • Age: Not more than 30 years as on 01.11.2011.
    • Qualification: Graduation in any discipline with minimum 60% marks from any recognized University or other institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956.
  • Last Date: 26.12.11 ONLINE
Posted by mayank for his blog

Vacancy Details Source:

Various Jobs Openings in Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Closing Date 29th Dec'11

Chief Commissioner Of Land Administration (CCLA).
CircularNo: 2(CCLA) Dated. 30th Nov'11

  • Village Revenue Officer:- 1113 Posts
    • Qualification: Must have passed Intermediate Examination conducted  by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Intermediate Examination or its equivalent Examination.
    • Age: 18-34 Years.
    • Pay Scale :Rs. 7520-22430 in the PRC-2010 scales.
  • District Wise Vacancies
    • Srikakulam - 26,Vizianagaram District - 38,East Godawari-35,West Godavari- 49,Krishna - 39,Guntur - 269,Prakasam-75,Chittoor-79,SPS Nallore-26,Anatpur - 137,YRS District - 23,Karnool-58,Mahabubnagar - 04,Ranga Reddy District-59,Hyderabad-34,Medak-08,Nizamabad - 21 Posts,Adilabad - 15,Karimnagar - 20,Warangal-45 Posts,Khammam-27 Posts,Nalagonda - 26 Posts,
  • Village Revenue Assistant - 5323 Posts
    • Qualification : Must have passed S.S.C. (10th class) Examination conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent Examination.
    • Age: 18-35 Years
    • Pay Scale :Rs.3,000/- Honorarium and other allowances as fixed by Government from time to time
  • District Wise Vacancies
    • Srikakulam-125,Vizianagaram District - 126,Visakapatnam - 102,East Godawari-422,West Godavari- 466,Krishna - The No. of vacancies are liable to change.,Guntur - 289,Prakasam - 267,Chittoor-283,SPS Nallore-255,Anatpur - 203,YRS District - 190,Karnool- 235,Mahabubnagar - 144,Ranga Reddy District - 194,Hyderabad - 26,Medak - 252,Nizamabad - 207,Adilabad - 179,Karimnagar - 464,Warangal - 353,Khammam - 193,Nalagonda - 348
  • Closing Date 29th Dec'11
Posted by mayank for his blog

Vacancy Details Source:

MES (Military Engineer Services) Adv. No. CEUZ/03/2011 Last Date 30th Dec'11

MES (Military Engineer Services)
ADvt. No: CEUZ/03/2011
Vacancy Summary:

  • Mate in the following discplines:
    • (Elect): 104 Posts
    • (Refg Mech): 04 Posts
    • FGM: 43 Posts
    • Fitter Pipe: 55 Posts
    • Carpenter: 12 Posts
    • Painter: 04 Posts
    • Manson: 10 Posts
    • Vec Mech: 01 Post
  • CLosing Date: 30th December 2011

Vacancy Details Source:

Assistant Jobs in LIC Housing Finance Limited CLosing on 24th Dec'2011

LIC Housing Finance Limited
Vacancy Summary for Assistant

  • Assistant:- 132 Posts
    • Age: 21-35 Years.
    • Qualification: Graduate in any discipline with minimum 50 % marks. Candidates should have knowledge of Computer Operations.
    • Remuneration: Basic Pay will be in the scale of 7400 – 455 - 7855 – 495(2) - 8845 – 560 (5) -11645– 650 (2) – 12945 – 790 (3) -15315 - 825(2) – 16965 and gross salary will be approximately Rs. 12,000/- p.m. inclusive of all allowances . Benefits like PF, Gratuity, Group Mediclaim, Medical Benefit , LTC , etc. and other fringe benefits like Sodexho coupons will be payable as per rules of the Company.
  • Region wise Vacancy :
    • Central Region -13,Eastern Region - 12,Northern Region - 20,South Central Region -14,South Eastern Region - 15,Southern Region - 30,Western Region - 28
  • CLosing on 24th Dec'2011
Vacancy Details Source:

RPSC Sub-Inspector Motor Vehicle Examination 2011

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)

Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector Examination 2011 

RPSC invites Online application for the posts of Sub Inspector Motor Vehicle 2011 in Motor Transport  Department in Rajasthan Government :
  • Motor Vehicle Sub- Inspector : 41 posts, Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2000/-, Age : 18-37 years as on 01/01/2012.
Application Fee : Rs. 250/- (Rs. 150/- for OBC and Rs.50/- for SC/ST) plus Rs.40/- online portal charges. 

How to Apply : Apply Online at RPSC website on or before 30/12/2011 12.00 midnight.

Information : For complete information please view and  apply online at

UPSC Indicative Advt. No 23 of 2011 Various posts Jobs Last Date 29.12.11

Union Public Service Commission
Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi 110069
Indicative Advt. No. 23 of 2011

ONLINE Recruitment Applications (ORA) are invited for direct recruitment to the following posts by UPSC. Details are as follows:

Vacancy No.: 11122301410
Name of Post: Deputy Diretor (Administration/ Insurance/ Training etc.) in the Employees' State Insurance Corporation:
Total Vacancies: 36 Posts (SC 05/ ST 03/ OBC 11/ UR 17)
Vacancy No.: 11122302410
Name of Post: Deputy Director (Finance) in the Employees' State Insurance Corporation.
Total Vacancies: 20 Posts (SC 03/ ST 02/ OBC 06/ UR 09)
The candidates willing to apply for the above posts are advised to visit Commission's Website for further details regarding pay scale, eligibility criteria, age, application fee, application format, instrucations etc. The detailed advt. has also been published in the weekly employment news dated 10th Dec 2011 vide Advt. NO. 23.

Candidates must apply ONLINE through this website
The Closing date for submission of ONLINE Recruitment Application through ORA website is 23.59Hrs. on 29.12.11 after which the link will be disabled. Applications received through any other mde would not be accepted and summarily rejected.

Candidates are also required to take out a print-out of the finally submitted online recruitment application through ORA website. Printout of the ONLINE recruitment application alongwith specified documents/ certificates should be sent by Hand/ by post to Joint Seretary (Recruitment), UPSC, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road New Delhi 110069 by 12th Jan 2012.

Vacancy Details Source:

Faculty Walk-In at College of Art Delhi on 14th December 2011

Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi
College of Art
20-22, Tilak Marg, New Delhi - 110001

Walk-in-Interviews will be conducted for following Faculty posts on 14/12/2011 from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm :

  1. Professor : 09 posts, Pay : Rs.71574/- consolidated per month
  2. Associate Professor : 11 posts, Pay : Rs.70064/- consolidated per month
  3. Assistant Professor : 09 posts, Pay : Rs.32616/- consolidated per month

Interested candidates may appear for interview on 14t December 2011 along with all the relevant certificates etc. in the office of the Principal, College of Art, GNCTD, 20-22 Tilak Marg, New Delhi - 110001

Please click on the image to view/ download the details.

MERC India Jobs Recruitment Advt No 19/2011-12 Last Date 9th Jan'2012

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission
World Trade Centre, Centre No.1, 13th Floor, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400005
Advt. No. 19/2011-12

The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) inviting applications for the following newly created posts on nomination basis:

Four Posts of Assistant Director
One Post of Computer System Administrator
One Post of Database/ Web Administrator
One Post of PErsonal Assistant (Higher Grade)
One post of Higher Grade Stenographer (Marathi)
One Post of Higher Grade Stenographer (English)

Three Posts of Clerk Typist-cum-Office Assistant
One Post of Librarian-Cum-Office Assistant
One Post of Driver-Cum-General Assistant
Four Posts of Peon
Age: Max Age for above all posts are 35 years.
Pay Scales:
From Post No. 1 to Post No. 6 is Rs. 9300-34800+GP_Rs. 4400
From Post No. 7 to Post No. 9 is Rs. 5200-20200+GP_Rs.1900

Post No. 10 is Rs. 4440-7440+GP_Rs.1300
Application will full details in the prescribed form should reach the Secretary, MERC, either by post or courier at the address given above on or before 9th Jan 2012.
For the posts mentioned at Sr. 9 and 10, the Commission will provide the printed Application forms for the candidates who make a specific request in person on payment of Rs. 20/- per application form.
For further details please visi the official website of Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission


Vacancy Details Source:

Vacancy Link:

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Veterinary Doctors/Specialist Medical Officers UKPSC December 2011

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) invites application from Indian Citizens for the posts of Veterinary and Specialist Medical Officers  on prescribed application forms only:
Veterinary Doctors-143 posts
Pay Scale: Rs. 15600 – 39100 AGP Rs.5400/-,
Age : 21-35 years
Specialist Medical Officers-583 posts
Pay Scale: Rs. 15600 – 39100 AGP Rs.5400/-
Age: 21-40 years
Application Fee: Rs.130/- (Rs.90/- for SC/ST/PH candidates of Uttarakhand) in the form of bank DD / Postal Order in favor of Secretary, Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, Haridwar payable at Haridwar. Candidate should write their name, address at the back of the DD/IPO.
Apply Procedure: Application forms in the prescribed format completed in all respects must reach the:
Secretary, Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar-249404 at the commission office either by registered post/ speed post or personally (by hand) up to 06-00 P.M. on or before 05/01/2012.
Kindly visit for detailed information and application format.

Teaching/Non-Teaching posts DHSGSU Sagar (MP) December 2011

Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar (MP) (DHSGSU), invites application for the filling up following Academic and Non-Teaching posts:
1. Professor (Director) – 01 post
2. Librarian – 01 post
3. Reader (Associate Professor) – 01 post
4. Lecturer (Assistant Professor) – 01 post
5. Assistant Director – 02 posts
6. Assistant Librarian – 01 post
7. Registrar - 01 post
8. Finance Officer – 01 post
9. Controller of Examinations - 01 post
10. Deputy Registrar – 03 posts
11. Internal Audit Officer – 01 post
12. Executive Engineer – 01 post
13. Medical Officer – 02 posts
14. Assistant Engineer – 01 post
15. Junior Engineer – 02 posts
16. Professional Assistant – 01 post
17. Section Officer – 01 post
18. Senior Assistant – 01 post
18. Junior Assistant – 01 post
19. Steno-Typist/ Computer Operator – 01 post
20. Librarian/Technician – 01 post
21. Peon (Multi Tasking Staff) – 01 post
22. Hostel Attendant – 01 post
Application Fee: DD of Rs. 500/- (Rs.250/- for SC/ST) drawn in favor of Registrar, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar – 470003 (Madhya Pradesh) payable at Sagar.
How to Apply: The application in prescribed form duly filled in must be sent to the:
Assistant Registrar,
Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, Sagar – 470003 (Madhya Pradesh) on or before 10/01/2012.
For more information and application format please visit

BEL Jobs of Engineers Last Date: 11th December 2011

Bharat Electronics Limited,
(A Govt. of India Enterprise under the Ministry of Defence)
Jobs Summary:
  • Electronics & Mechanical Engineers:- 09 Posts 
      • Electronics & Communication Engineering- 06
      • Mechanical Engineering:- 03
    • Qualification: First class in BE/ B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering) from a recognized University/ institution.
    • Age: Less than 25 Yrs as on 01.11.2011.
    • Salary: Rs.12000/-p.m.
  • Last Date: 11th December 2011
Posted by Gunja for her blog

Vacancy Details Source:

AIATSL Jobs for various posts Walk In Interview December 2011

Air India Air Transport Services Ltd. (AIATSL)
Walk In Interview SUmmary:

  • Customer Agent:- 144 Posts
    • Age: Max28 years.
    • Emoluments : 1st Year:Rs.12,000/- per month. (all inclusive),2nd Year: Rs.13,000/- per month. (all inclusive),3rd Year:Rs.14,000/- per month (all inclusive)
    • Date of Interview : 16th& 17th DECEMBER 2011.
    • Venue of Interview : Indian Airlines Ideal SchoolIndian Airlines Staff Colony - I,Kalina, Santacruz,Mumbai – 400 029.
  • Sr.Ramp Service Agent:- 43 Posts
    • Age: Max30 years.
    • Emoluments : Ist Years :Rs.15000/- p.m.(all inclusive), 2nd Year : Rs.16000/-p.m.(all inclusive) 3rd Years : Rs.17000/-p.m.(all inclusive)
    • Date of Walk-in-Interview: 28/12/2011.
    • Venue : Regional Training Centre,Air India Ltd.,Behind Cafeteria,Near Terminal – 1B,Vile-Parle (East),Mumbai – 400 099.
  • Ram Service Agent:- 92 Posts
    • Age: Max28 years
    • Emoluments: 1st Years :Rs.12000/- p.m.(all inclusive), 2nd Year : Rs.13000/-p.m.(all inclusive) 3rd Years : Rs.14000/-p.m.(all inclusive).
    • Date of Walk-In-Interview:3rd & 4th January 2012.
    • Venue: Regional Training Centre,Air India Ltd.,Behind Cafeteria,Near Terminal – 1B,Vile-Parle (East),Mumbai – 400 099.
  • Security Agent: - 83 Posts
    • Age: Max28 years.
    • Emoluments: 1st Years :Rs.12000/- p.m.(all inclusive), 2nd Year : Rs.14500/-p.m.(all inclusive) 3rd Years : Rs.14500/-p.m.(all inclusive).
    • Date of Interview : 9th & 10th JANUARY 2012.
    • Venue : Indian Airlines Sports Club,Near Military Camp, Kalina,Santacruz (East),Mumbai – 400 029.

posted by mayank for his blog

Vacancy Details Source:

Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MEC) Jobs Advt. No.01/Rectt./2011

Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited
( A Government of India Enterprises)
Jobs Summary:
Advt. No.01/Rectt./2011

  • Manager (P&A):- 02 Posts 
    • Pay: Rs. 29100-54500/-
  • Accounts Officer:- 03 Posts 
    • Pay: Rs.16400-40500/-
  • Material Officer:- 01 Post 
    • Pay: Rs.16400-40500/-
  • Legal Officer:- 02 Posts 
    • Pay: Rs.16400-40500/-
  • Foreman (Drilling):- 12 Posts 
    • Pay: Rs.9500-24800/-
  • Technician (Drilling):- 28 Posts 
    • Pay: Rs.8500-18600/-
  • Mechanic (Diesel)/Motor Mechanic Trade:- 08 Posts 
    • Pay: Rs.8500-18600/-
  • Mechanic (Welder Trade):- 08 Posts 
    • Pay: Rs.8500-18600/-

Posted by mayank for his blog

Vacancy Details Source: