Punjab State Cooperative Agricultural Development Bank (PSCADB)
SCO 51-54, Bank Square, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh
The Punjab State Cooperative Agricultural Development Bank Limited invites on-line applications from eligible candidates for the following posts :
- Assistant Manager : 40 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.10300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 3800
- Clerk cum Data Entry Operator : 100 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.10300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 3200
- Field Officer : 100 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.10300 - 34800 Grade Pay Rs.3200
Application Fee : Fee should be deposited in Punjab National Bank through a payment challan. The application fee for the post of Assistant Manager in the case of Scheduled Caste/Tribe category candidate is Rs. 500/- and for all other categories i.e. General, Backward Classes, Ex Servicemen, Sportsmen, Freedom Fighters and Handicapped is Rs. 1000/-. The application fee for the post of Clerk cum Data Entry Operator/Field Officer in the case of Scheduled Caste/Tribe category candidate is Rs. 400/- and for all other categories i.e. General, Backward Classes,Ex Servicemen, Sportsmen, Freedom Fighters and Handicapped is Rs. 800/-.
How to Apply : The application can be filled online at NITTTRCHD website only till
08/10/2012 up to 5.00 PM. Take print out of the system generated application format and this printed application alongwith Bank Challan (in original), self-attested photocopies of certificates/testimonials regarding qualifications, age, reserved category, experience etc. and one additional coloured Passport size photograph must reach by speed/registered post by 12/10/2012 5.00 P.M. to the
Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Sector 26, Chandigarh – 160019. The application should be superscribed on the envelope as “Application for the post of Assistant Manager or Clerk cum Data Entry Operator or Field Officer ” as the case may be.
Please visit for all the details, instructions and a link to submit application online.