Saturday, 23 March 2013

Applications invited for the posts of Technical and Management Trainees to work on projects in the area of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in Media Lab Asia

Media Lab Asia
A Section 25 company setup by

Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY)
Government of India
708-723, 7th Floor, Devika Towers, 6, Nehru Place
New Delhi : 110 019 Tel. (011) 2644 3266 / 2628 8190
Website :

Recruitment of Technical Trainees and Management Trainees :
Media Lab Asia is looking for result oriented, energetic and committed Engineering and Management Graduates or Post Graduates with excellent academic record to join Media Lab Asia as Technical/Management Trainees. The trainees are expected to work in the projects in the area of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) covering broad areas of Livelihood Enhancement (Agriculture & SMEs), Healthcare, Education & Empowerment of Differently Abled and for Information Technology Research Academy (ITRA), a Division of Media Lab Asia.
Name of the post: Technical Trainees
1. Post Code : MLA/ITRA/TT/13
2. Educational Qualifications and skill sets required :
a) Qualification: First Class BE / B.Tech. in CS/IT/ECE or MCA or M.Sc. (CS/IT) or
equivalent with minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA.

b) Skills required :
 Knowledge of Android, Windows and Asterisk platforms
 Knowledge of Mobile / Android technology
 Knowledge in PHP, MySQL, Web Development
 Knowledge of Dot NET/Ruby On Rails (ROR).
 Knowledge in JAVA, J2EE, J2ME programming
 Knowledge in Web Designing, Animation and Multimedia
 Knowledge of Eclipse/NetBeans/JBuilder, MySQL/PostgreSQL/HSQLDB
Please refer to Annexure I for project/domain name, assignment & area of work.
3. Eligibility:- Candidates with qualifications specified under 2(a) above, and passed out in 2011/ 2012 with First Class with minimum 60% or those who are appearing for final exams in 2013 who are confident of scoring 1st Class or equivalent CGPA shall be eligible to apply.
4. Job Description:- To work on various ICT based projects in the field of Software programming applications as Java, C++, Human Computer Interaction, Android Applications, Digital Content Graphics / Multimedia & Value Added Services on Mobile / Internet, web based applications.
5. Age Limit:- Not more than 28 years as on 30.4.2013.
6. No. of Trainees required:- 4 to 6.
7. Stipend:- The Technical Trainees shall be paid a fixed monthly stipend of Rs. 18,000/- to Rs. 30,000/- per month.
Name of the post : Management Trainees:

1. Post Code : MLA/ITRA/MT/13
2. Educational Qualifications and skill sets required :
a) Qualification: First Class Graduates in any discipline with MBA in Marketing /
Information Technology / Systems /Rural Management / Supply Chain
Management or equivalent with minimum 60% marks or equivalent CGPA.

Skills required :
 Presentation and demonstration skills.
 Good oral and written communication skills.
 Marketing skills & Coordination ability.
 Excellent written and communication skills.
 Excellent problem solving skills.
 Proficiency in use of computers.
 Good command over English.
 Should possess a good temperament.
 Should have basic knowledge of Sales & Marketing of products.
 Knowledge of office automation tools like Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, etc.
 Should possess initiative to learn things and implement the same in the working environment.
Please refer to Annexure I for project/domain name, assignment & area of work.
3. Eligibility:- Candidates with qualifications specified under 2 (b) above, and passed out in 2011/ 2012 with First Class with minimum 60% or those who are appearing for final exams in 2013 who are confident of scoring 1st Class or equivalent CGPA shall be eligible to apply.
4. Job Description:- To promote educational software packages, to promote and market CAD design software to end users/training institutions, to promote and market ERP retail software and to work in the various projects of Media Lab Asia in the area of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) covering the areas of work in which Media Lab Asia is involved.
2. Age Limit:- Not more than 28 years as on 30.4.2013.
3. No of Trainees required:- 1 to 2.
4. Stipend:- The Management Trainees shall be paid a fixed monthly stipend of Rs. 16,000/- to Rs 25,000/-.
How to Apply: Interested candidates may download the application form and apply in the prescribed manner along with copies of certificates (regarding proof of age, qualifications, etc.), superscribing the envelope “Application for the post of ___________________________”, to reach Media Lab Asia on or before 12th April, 2013 at the address given below.
Application should be submitted in the prescribed format ONLY. Applications without the requisite information asked for / without signature / without photograph / without copies of certificates and applications received after the due date will not be considered.
Director (Admin. & Finance)
Media Lab Asia
708-723, Devika Tower, 7th Floor, 6, Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110 019
Telephone: 91 11 2644 3266, 91 11 2628 8190, 2628 8192, Fax: 91 11 2628 8189
Website :

more details at:-----

Tuesday, 1 January 2013





 Applications from the eligible candidates are invited for the following posts on the prescribed form obtainable from the office of Registrar, GADVASU, Ludhiana from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.  on all working days on payment of Rs. 300/- for the post at Sr. No. 1 to 3,  Rs.200/- for the posts at Sr. Nos. 4 to 9 either in cash at the counter or by sending Bank Draft in favour of the COMPTROLLER, GADVASU, Ludhiana along with self addressed envelope (28x12cms) bearing postage stamps of Rs. 45/-. The duly completed application forms with prescribed fee of Rs.1000/- (for post at Sr.No.1),  Rs.600/- (for post at Sr.Nos.2 & 3) and Rs.300/- (for posts at Sr. Nos. 4 to 9) in the form of Bank Draft in favour of COMPTROLLER, GADVASU payable at Ludhiana should reach in the office of Registrar, GADVASU, Ludhiana by  31.01.2013.


 1. Comptroller
i) Graduate with second division or a Postgraduate.
ii) Must have passed S.A.S. Examination held by the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India/State Finance Department or Higher Standard Examination of GADVASU/PAU.
iii) Must have 10 years experience in a supervisory capacity in financial
management/administration out of which he must have five years experience of Accounts
Officer/Deputy Registrar or equivalent in Govt. office/institution preferably in a University.
Graduate with second division and Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant having 6 years
experience in the field of Financial Management in Govt. /Public Sector undertaking.
iv) Matric level certificate of Punjabi language. (if not, the candidate is required to pass the same
within one year of appointment).
NOTE: If the Officer is taken on deputation, he should have put in at least 7 years experience in the
Indian Audit and Accounts Service/State Accounts Service.
2 & 3. Assistant Professor of Veterinary Surgery and Assistant Scientist Surgery:
i) B.V.Sc. & A.H. / B.V.Sc. atleast with 2nd division.
ii) M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Surgery/ Veterinary Surgery & Radiology with minimum OCPA of 6.50/10.00
or 65% marks.
iii) Matric level certificate of Punjabi language (if not, the candidate is required to pass the same within
one year of appointment).
iv) Candidates having Master’s degree, NET shall be compulsory along with one publication in NAAS
(National Academy of Agricultural Sciences) rated refereed journal for recruitment to the post of
Assistant Professor and equivalent in the disciplines in which NET is conducted. Essentiality of
NET can be waved off for the candidates holding Ph.D. Degree provided it has been done with
course work as prescribed by the UGC Regulations 2009, and the candidate has at least two full
length publications having a NAAS rating not less than 4, on the last date of submission of
application. Those candidates with Ph.D. degree without course work will not qualify for NET
Note: A candidate who may not possess Master’s degree in the relevant discipline but possesses
Ph.D. degree in the discipline required at Master’s level shall be eligible for the post, such a
candidate must have obtained minimum OCPA of 6.50/10.00 or 65% marks at Master’s level in the
allied field.
Job Responsibilities:
i) Teaching/research/extension duties
ii) To take initiative/ steps in bringing research projects for strengthening the research, teaching and
extension education programme.
iii) Any other duty assigned from time to time.
4. Farm Manager T-4 (At KVK):
i) B.Sc. (Agri.)/ Diploma in Veterinary Science and Animal Health Technology from recognized
University/ Institute.
ii) Knowledge of Punjabi up to Matric Standard.
5. Programme Assistant (Computer) (At KVK):
i) B.Sc. (Computer Application) / Bachelor in Computer Application / B.Tech (Computer Science)
/B.Sc.(IT)/ PG Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized University.
ii) Knowledge of Punjabi up to Matric Standard.
Note: The selection to the post of Programme Assistant (Computer) is to be made through written
test followed by interview.
6. Programme Assistant (Lab. Technician) (At KVK):
i) B.Sc.(Med.)/B.Sc.(Agri.)/B.Sc.(Home Science)/ B.Sc (MLT)/ Diploma in Veterinary Science
and Animal Health Technology from a recognized University/ Institute.
ii) Knowledge of Punjabi up to Matric Standard.
7. Assistant (At KVK):
i) Graduate from recognized University
ii) Possesses at least one hundred and twenty hours course with hands on experience in the
use of personal computer or information technology in office productivity application or
Desktop publishing applications from a Govt. recognized Institution or a reputed Institution,
which is ISO 9001, certified.
Possesses a Computer Information Technology Course equivalent to “O” level certificate of
Department of Electronics, Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) of Govt. of India.
i) Knowledge of Punjabi upto Matric level.
ii) Typing speed at 30 w.p.m. in Punjabi.


Sr. No. 1:-
Rs. 37400-67000+GP of Rs.8800/- +Rs.2000/ S.A 

Sr.Nos. 2 & 3:-
 Rs.15600-39100 +RGP of Rs.6000/-
for more details plz click here


for more details plz click here


for more details plz click here

 for more details plz click here